Sleepy Beanbag Babies
I don't know what it is about them, but everybody seems to love these floppy little sweethearts. And I mean everybody! Not just 5 year old girls, not just 80 year old grannies. I'm talking about crusty old bartenders, sophisticated young business women, big strong builders, even rock and roll stars! They are highly recommended for all ages. Scroll to bottom of page for Pricing and Description.
PRICING: Sleepy Babies are $14.00 plus $3.00 for shipping via U.S. Priority Mail. The ones with long curly hair are $16.00 plus $3.00 shipping.
DESCRIPTION: The babies have an inner body (I like to call it their "soul") that is made from pure cotton stockinet which is stuffed with either wool or polyester in the head, and PE pellets and/or non-toxic epoxy coated aquarium gravel in the body, plus a tiny plastic heart. The head is tied off with string to shape the features. The skin is pure cotton knit and currently comes in fair, peach, tan and mocha. The bodysuit is made from knit velour in a high-cotton blend that comes in many colors. The hair is virgin mohair yarn and the features are sewn with cotton embroidery floss. Are they safe for babies? Well, they are well-constructed, but I won't guarantee that an extremely industrious toddler with a couple of teeth to his/her credit couldn't eventually chew through the two layers of fabric to where the pellets are. The safest thing for your baby is a caregiver that gives care, supervision and love. Babies aren't dolls. They are actually little human beings, and one of their most delightful traits is their penchant for unpredictability!