The following are links to other websites which you may find informative. Simply click on the URL and you will be magically transported!
DOLLMAKING SUPPLIES (I purchase most of my supplies from these two companies and I highly recommend both.):
ART BY DESIGN gallery in Madison, NJ
CLOTH DOLL MAKERS (I put these links here so you could see how incredibly pricey these other felt dolls are. I'll bet the prices aren't even listed!)
UNRELATED SITES: - I built this site as a "thank you" for John Quick, a general contractor who remodeled my kitchen, added a deck and a 1st floor bath, built new front steps and a flagstone driveway. Watching him work was a great inspiration - he taught me everything I know! - A Norwegian Blues Legend. My good friend Jeff Wasserman co-wrote many of his tunes and also designed and implemented this website. - Jeff also did this website. You know Secret Garden: cool, new agey stuff. My friend Leona has all their cd's (including the new one because I gave it to her for her b'day). - Register and then take a minute every day to click on the seven icons and make FREE DONATIONS to environmental groups. That's right - FREE - the only cost is one minute of your time!