"You might just as well say," added the March Hare,
"that 'I like what I get' is the same thing as 'I get what I like'!"
- Lewis Carroll from "Alice in Wonderland"
Are these the rantings of a mad hare? Or are these words the sort of very sensible nonsense that can only be expressed with such crystal clarity by those with questionable sanity? You be the judge!
By popular demand, and totally into tea with Alice and the Hatter, Fyhrworks has worked around the clock to produce a March Hare while it is still the month of March (It's not? Oh, well... April Fool's!)
Here's the construction details blurb: This doll was designed by Fyhrworks (Yes, that is correct! Fyhrworks drafted each tiny pattern piece, sharing her special gift from God for imagining 3 dimensional objects in 2 dimensions!)* The doll (and his clothing) was individually hand cut by Fyhrworks and sewn on her beloved Bernina sewing machine (30 stitches per inch with an 1/8 inch seam allowance) from pure new wool felt ($30-40 a sq. yd.) Each tiny body part is then turned right side out (a feat which requires super-human hand strength), stuffed with cleaned and carded wool (plus a tiny, plastic heart), jointed (and no! No doll supplier even makes joints that small! Fyhrworks uses 12 and 15mm animal eyes!), and then hand stitched to close seams. After assembly, the features are hand painted (no two are ever exactly alike!) the doll is dressed and photographed and hopefully sold through eBay or an art gallery. Fyhrworks doesn't know what she'd do without this creative outlet. (She also doesn't know what she'd do without parentheses - they were simply MADE for those with Attention Deficit Disorder, were they not?). She adores making these dolls and puts heart and soul into them! She wants to fulfill dreams with them, but while she is endlessly intuitive, she is NOT A MIND READER! So PLEASE let her know what you might desire.....and yes, the Dormouse is coming soon!
* In truth, there's actually a lot of trial and error involved. Fyhrworks' real gift is tenacity!
Thanks for looking!